The Rotaract Club of Hyderabad East had its installation on the 28th of August, where the third board took over and promised to take the club forward in the year of 2010-2011. The ceremony was held at The Aditya Park Inn at Ameerpet. The meeting saw speeches from the Past President Ravi Chandra, who completely moved away from his planned speech as he let his heart talk, the last year report by Akbar Ali who let us catch glimpses of moments and experiences as lived by the Rotarians last year, the incoming President promised to try and live upto the expectations,and the Rotarian President, Mr Madhu Babu promised us full support for the coming year and also gave us suggestions to improve ourselves in the coming year. Mr Vijaya Kanth (DRR)and Tansen (IP DRR, DRT and Co-chairman Addets) also motivated us through their confidence in us, and their encouraging and kind words. The New Board members were presented with their badges by Rotr Madhu Babu.
The new board is as follows: PRESIDENT : Kedari Reddy, VICE-PRESIDENT : Savit Vadlamani, SECRETARY : Biswadeb Das, JOINT-SECRETARY : Pragnya Challapally, TREASURER : Navya Akkinepally, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE : Nikitha Reddy, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE : Sruti Raju, DIRECTOR OF VOCATIONAL SERVICE : Prateek Reddy, DIRECTOR OF LIAISON : Tanvi Desai, DIRECTOR OF CLUB SERVICE : Mrinmayee Dhoble, . DIRECTOR FOR INTERNATIONAL SERVICE: Pooja Vaikari, DIRECTOR OF FOOD AND BEVERAGES : Abhishek Ganapa.
Along with the New board, the new recruits were formally inculcated into the club, as new members and could now call themselves Rotaractors.
The list of new members is as follows: Padmini Karamchedu, Sampoorna Gonella, Nitish Jakkani, Prakash Dangwal, Neeharika Yadav Dayyala, Arpit Misri, Akhila Jyothy, Sheena Rao, Shruti Reddy, Soumya Reddy, Arjun Prasad, Mohammed Abdul Majid, Prathyusha Krishna and Bhargav Ram.
Here is to hoping to another great year ahead. We wish the club the best of luck in their endeavors. After all, they have to make a difference, differently.
1 comment:
Welcome aboard !
WE'll have a greaaatt time :)
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