Saturday, August 25, 2007

salsa !

Hyderabadis learn how to indulge themselves in everything that is considered 'happening' in town. The salsa fever struck the city and just then we had our first 'fund raising' event (in september 2007). Our instructor was Mr. Jeremy Brian, a salsa expert who used to teach at ahala,Bottles and chimneys besides conducting quite a few other salsa workshops. He was magnaninous enough to do the workshop for a very nominal pay and also got us a good deal for the venue ( which happened to be BnC). This was a 2-days event. On the first day the basic moves of salsa and other club dances were taught. The workshop began at 5pm at BnC. Everyone who bought the pass arrived at the venue before the instructor did ! The response was overwhelming :) The following day set everyone on a 'high '. As the music continued to play, each and everyone tapped their feet and swayed around with their partners for nearly two hours.Jeremy also taught us a few other latin american club moves like merengue. His exceptional talent coupled with the high spirits of the particpants set the evening going. Some of our 'guests' even refused to take the complimentary drink that was offered to them. They wanted to help us save 'OUR' money for charity :) The Rotaract club of hyderabad east had it first accomplished ' fund raiser' way before it was officially chartered.

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