Monday, August 16, 2010

SInce its inception its been more than just HISTORY ..

One of the oldest Rotaractors Krutika Reddy writes a blog entry especially for the Rotaract. Varenya calls me up and says, " Krutika, you know what we all can start a club and have fun ". I had absolutely no clue whatsoever - what we'll do as a part of Rotaract;, how many Rotaract clubs existed , NOTHING , zilch - absolutely nothing.. We were all charged by the idea of starting something new all by ourselves. ' FUN' and something 'NEW '- those were the magic words and that was all that mattered to us. Fifteen of us met at Varenya's house and her father, our mentor, Past Rotary Governor, Jawahar Uncle started off by saying " Please ask yourselves what is in it for me? " Back then, it was a million dollar question. ( I said back then because each and everyone who has been a part of Rotaract can tell you what the club has in store for you NOW confidently ).None of us had an answer to it except for our " two magic words". We began officially on 29th September 2007 ( but i must mention that we had already finished our first fund raiser by then) . Here the list of the founder board members: President : Varenya Vadlamani Vice-President: Ravi Chandra Secretary: Poojita Tulasi (unfortunately served only for three months ) following which it was me. Joint- Secretary : Dheeraj Reddy Treasurer : Isha Kajrewal Director of finance: Amrita Kanjani Director for community service: Me for a while after which all of us handled it :) Director for club service: Amrutha Ganapa Fifteen of us had no set road laid for us and it was a complete inchoate beginning. There were times we pulled 7 extra chairs and sat around one table in eat street; There were times we met every sunday at Barista shamelessly without ordering a single drink and sat for hours together until that guy almost kicked us out ! There were times when we shifted the meetings from Barista to vengalarao park and from there to Mc Donalds.But what mattered the most to us was ' Hey we've got to meet and we don't care where'. The general trend was: a lot of frantic calls made in the last moment; confusion at its PEAK :D, but definitely a lesson learnt at the end of the day. There were a lot more pressing situations, shipwreck of our efforts. But, we've learnt to deal with each of them collectively, struggled and succeeded. That was the bonding we shared .. Errr.. OOPs we STILL share and continue to do so. Rotaract club of Hyderabad East in 2007-08 was what fifteen friends strongly supported and believed in; They believed that they can make it big though they didn't know how. Now, they believe that helping others doesn't mean sacrificing their precious 2 hours time of a blockbuster movie or a saturday night party at a happening place or for that matter a couple of heavenly hours of sleep. The "bhaari" term social service to the 15 of us meant something different and now each of us has a refined interpretation for it. That was what the club did to us. I can vouch for every founder member that each one of us has changed and, our club since its inception has been more than history to us. It's a nostalgic moment :) I take immense pride (I have goosebumps on my hands now) in saying that all of us, each and every rotarator has MADE Rotaract club of Hyderabad East BIG ! Rotaract is a part of our lives and its responsibility is never a burden for us. I can promise on behalf of all the rotaractors that some years down the line when we reminisce about the days we've spent together, we'll certainly say " DAMn ! i miss those days". I know for a fact that when I call any rotaractor in the future and say " hey, could you please help me " , I can be rest assured that help will come my way. To all the new and old members of our "family" , on behalf of all the founder members , I acknowledge your commitment and welcome you to get your share of our "Rotaract" experience. Rotaract has been more than history to us and I promise that so will it be for each one of you. ALL the best and welcome aboard " to make a difference differently "


Rotaract Club of Hyderabad East said...

Thank you so much for sharing this experience and what the Rotaract means to you. We have a lot to learn, but we can already feel the love you feel for this club. Keep writing in:-)

Unknown said...

thank you for letting us know so much about rotaract. Lets hope we all make it 'the best club'! :)

Unknown said...

this totally motivates us to put in our best :)